Board :Tales of the People
Author :Archon Iyagi
Subject :"As the Bamboo Grows" by Okami
Date :12/21
  A gift from my father, many years in the making. He planted a tree the day I was born. He said he wanted me to be strong, and so he planted a bamboo tree, to symbolize strength. I think my father wise, but even he could not have expected the lesson this tree would teach me.

  As the bamboo grows, I take my first steps, the pride and joy of my family. I learn to speak and say my fill. I learn eat on my own. My parents drop me off in the strange place known as school. It's not long before I make friends and suddenly, it's not so strange anymore. All the while, the bamboo grows.
As the bamboo grows, I'm turning 10. I have seen so little, but I feel like I'm so smart. Life hasn't taught me much about humility yet. On the other hand, the Bamboo tree is no longer just one tree, but many have begun to grow in its area. Now there are many bamboo trees. I like to play in between the bamboo it's a lot of fun. All the while, the bamboo grows.

  As the bamboo grows, I've finally turned 16, now my studies are done. Where I go now is up to me, destiny is in my hands. Yet, life hasn't taught me much about responsibility yet. On the other hand, the bamboo tree has become a forest. You now get lost in the forest before you can see the other side. I like to go there with my friends, and sometimes with a love interest. All the while, the bamboo grows.

  As the bamboo grows, I'm now 24, married, and expecting my first child. I've travelled much of the kingdoms, and fought for its freedom, life has taught my much about sacrifice. The bamboo tree my father planted is no longer there, its life has come to an end. On the other hand, the forest is as magnificent as ever, beautiful, green, bountiful? I think I'll plant a tree for my child, maybe they'll enjoy it as I did. All the while, the bamboo grows.

  As the bamboo grows, I'm now 36, and have taught my children much about the bamboo. I've told them be strong, like the bamboo, as my father taught me. But I also learned throughout the years, that alone, the bamboo cannot become a beautiful forest. That bamboo is not only sought for its strength, but also how useful it can be for others. It is a resilient building material, capable of sailing you across the sea. Yet it also sustains life, for the many animals in need of its nutrients. The bamboo is always there, it is consistent, it does not ask for much, but it gives its all. My children will learn even more from this bamboo than I ever did. All the while, the bamboo grows.

  As the bamboo grows, I'm now old, the end of my time is near. The bamboo I planted for my children are now forests. And my children have planted their own bamboo for their children? Yet although my children have learned of humility, strength, and service to their peers. They have not instilled the same lessons on their children. My grandchildren only see the bamboo for its monetary value and have sold their forests to lumberjacks. I told my children, do not despair, for it is never too late. Life has yet to teach them much, and as I lie here during my final hours, always remember? That all the while, the bamboo grows.

~ Okami